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Monday, July 16, 2012

Humans Forgotten

Abdullah Anik Misra explained that the Qur’an expresses the word “heart” using different Arabic words at different times; these can mostly be summed up as the Arabic words qalb, fuaad and lubb. Since in the Arabic language, there is no such thing as an exact synonym, there are subtle differences in the root meanings and indications given by the different words that must be understood if one wants to understand the nuances of the Qur’anic message. Nuances or not, heart or qalb is prominent in the Quran. Unfortunately, it is not prominent anymore in the world we live in. 'I just don't have the heart', a famous song by Sir Cliff Richard is one of the many songs that talks about the heart being central to love, decisions, longings and etc. However, do we see it anymore.. the referring to the heart or the qalb in doing things, tasks, jobs, businesses? Not much, sometimes, not even a little and usually when we do show heart, the dollar smell or feel just cannot be shut out from the decision. Thus our current show of heart is not really the actual god given heart but rather pre-conditioned, stimulus and response based that nullified our god given ability, the one true thing that according to Covey, sets us apart from other beings, the ability to decide on how we want to behave in reaction to any circumstances. It is in these decisions that if we follow the origin of humans, the heart will surface and our decisions will be liberating not only to us but all that we can touch.