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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Life Ever After

The good thing about life which is unfathomable to a lot of people is simply to go on living. Some people stop to live and decidedly would go hell bent into solving the problems that they encountered.

Sure, we got to solve these problems but they are not the only things in life. There are other beautiful captivating things, items, birds, children, friends, spouses, yada yada yada that would bring you happiness and joy if you but look at them take a deep breath and smile.

I, I try to make it a point to find these items, people or animal once or twice a day to remind me that theings of beaty in life is reciprocal in nature, feed with care and attention and it will come back to you ten folds.

So smile, go on living and keep on searching for the 'items'.


  1. Life is aint easy afterall.We used to face tons of challenges and obstacles in our life.Despite that,there are still many things that could cheer us up and bring us joy.Thus,we should be contented with what we have and always be optimistic.Be staunch and tough when facing any hardships.Live on and seek for the wonderful things in our life.Play up !!:-)

  2. Life is not a picture paints a thousand words.. Difference problems are facing difference person.

    The world are non stop rotary while one person died and another one person born in a moment. And each person/human are already written by God how fate she or he will facing along their journey in their life. it's that a good fate or bad. And God already said; fate will no change if we don't change ourselves first to be more better.

    So that let always try to be the best among the best!! =]for last word let "living on your wits NOT living a lie"

    [BBI2420 student G10 named Nur Sufiah 16379]

  3. life is beautiful as long as you know how to appreciate it ;)


  4. Each challenge that occurs in life is to mature us and taught us the meaning of life. Therefore, we must realize that life is a loan from God. We should appreciate the blessings that are given. In life, we need mutual respect, love and assist each other. With this practice, our lives then become peaceful and get blessings from Him.
