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Monday, November 8, 2010

Trying and Living

I will try
I will do
I will win and I will lose
hoping always.. for continous win
plannning and at times scheming
I will try and I will do
I will do and I will try
and I will rectify and I will fly
sometimes... and cry the unseen tears
as i will try and try and do and do
as that is life, you try and do as the tryings and doings are waht life is all about
happy will you be if there are mostly smiles at te end of your endeavours
as happy folks will smile and smile whatever the outcome of their ventures.


  1. life is a simple cycle actually....but why it so hard to face the reality????

  2. Sir, you are great.
    Today I read Billionare lyrics.... A very nice song.

  3. sir..."i will" is a future tense he3...
    i have already followed your blog (^_^)

    sorry sir...i have used the name of "daniela" for a long English is bad.. isn't it?

  4. wahhh..poem!i love poems..r u create this poem by urself, sir? great u r..this poem shown u r appreciate ur life n sensitive about ur surrounding..this poem can motivate myself when i read it and u use the simple sentences, make us easy to understd of what u trying to the way, can you post more poems sir..i like it..thank you..

    -sitinora yusoff-

  5. i like...but i scared when u ask me to answer your question...hehehe
