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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Views and perspectives of the Gaza conflict

That beauty is in the eye of the beholder is a given and widely believed saying. That the truth can bee seen from many perspectives also holds a big credential as it was one of the most important lines in Star Wars the movie as well as being said by many of those who are wise and also a great many pretenders.

In terms of the Gaza conflict, the beauty is in the eye of Israelis and the American Government, I do stress government as I do not believe that this is also the wish of the American people. However, from their perspective, the situation is beautiful to the tee.

Imagine these;

I can kill whomever I want,
I can tell everyone else to fuck off and they would not only keep quiet but make ridicoulous staments in agreements,
I can be openly called babykillers, like America in Vietnam but still retain massive support because of the 4o people who hurt their pinky toes through Hamas' ferocious attacks,
Sorry, but 'I' as in the rule book of the English language can mean both the Israelis and the US goverment.

It is beautiful for them, delicately and stupidly beautiful that will lead them to their ashes.

They should kill more Arab vocabulary,
They should shoot more missiles as this would not at all incite the Iranians to send rockets to their nuclear plants,
They should show glee in their face when they are killing not morbid indifferent look as this would unite Muslims the world over,
Go on, kill some more and the 'eureka' we have been waiting for all our lives would happen and Israel will be part of the sea.

Beautiful to the tee.

1 comment:

  1. I do like this article because first of all this article is about Gaza conflict which seems does not have an end for years. Every year, we would talk on Gaza victims suffering from the atrocity of Israelis and American government. I am attracted to the statement saying that the stress is to American government not to all of Americans. This is because for me, most humans like to live in peace and harmony. What makes them become so cruel is all about revenge. The unsatisfactory especially towards Muslim encourage them to do such bad things towards people in Gaza.
    Secondly, I like this article when the statement said that ‘they should show glee in their face when they are killing not morbid in different look as they would unite Muslims the world over’. This is because Muslims should realize that what have happened in Gaza is sort of test towards Muslims peculiarly and other persons generally. It means that Muslims all over the world have to unite to help those suffered victims and evoke to hinder the violence done by Israelis and American government.
    From Nur Nabilla bt A Rahim
