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Monday, January 17, 2011

The Pow Wow in the South of Heaven

I do not even allow my son to watch people playing snooker or billiard what more to play those develish nonsensical game. I played those games once and I was scarred for life. Well, i admit there were some other mitigating circumstances surrounding the scaring of my soul and skin and some dents on my helmet and motorbike but at the epicentre was snooker...

It was a dark but not so lonely afternoon. I was about to do something important when my unholly mates woke me up. Then, the plot thickens...


  1. i try to understd..but i can't..what you trying to say sir... r u hv a nightmare ?hahaha..nonsense, but snooker is not risk game

  2. why you scared sir?? it just a game right??? really confuse..hehehe

    hani nabilia

  3. Parent has the right to control their children there should be has limit. Sometime parent's ambition has to carry out by their children since they cannot complete it.
    Parents should give their children the right to choose and just not choose for them.
